100+ Thought-Provoking Quotes By Sri Aurobindo That Will Change The Way You Live

“100+ Thought-Provoking Quotes by Sri Aurobindo” is a compilation of profound and contemplative quotes from the influential Indian philosopher, poet, and spiritual leader, Sri Aurobindo. With over a hundred quotes, this collection offers insights into Aurobindo’s philosophy, spirituality, and vision for human evolution. Each quote encourages deep reflection and contemplation, making it a valuable resource for those on a spiritual journey or seeking a deeper understanding of life’s purpose. Whether you’re interested in spirituality or appreciate the wisdom of a great thinker, this anthology provides a thought-provoking and transformative journey through Sri Aurobindo’s words and teachings.

Sri Aurobindo Quotes


The supreme state of human love is the unity of one soul in two bodies.

All life is Yoga.

In order to see, you have to stop being in the middle of the picture.

In our ordinary self, we live bound to the personal consciousness that wears a body; in our divine self, we live bound to the impersonal consciousness that wears the universe.

Truth is the secret of eloquence and of virtue, the basis of moral authority; it is the highest merit of genius.

By the very nature of existence, it is impossible to be free from mistakes.

There is nothing mind can do that cannot be better done in the mind’s immobility and thought-free stillness.

The greatness of a community is most accurately measured by the compassionate actions of its members.

The soul’s liberation begins with an inner stillness and a serene calm.

The ideal human being is the one who has a great heart and a beautiful mind.

The Divine does not play dice with the universe.

To be aware of your past is to be able to plan your future.

Our limitations are not due to the limitations of our abilities, but rather to the limitations of our will.


The ultimate purpose of life is to discover the Divine within.

Desire is the trap of the ego.

The secret of perfection is the perfection of love.

The highest state is the renunciation of all desire.

Our goal in life is to become an instrument of the Divine.

Real knowledge is not power, but love.

The supreme art of living is to strive to live consciously.

The greatest victory is the victory over oneself.


In the depths of the soul, there is a sacred place where the Divine resides.

The truth is not found in the mind but in the heart.

The mind is a wonderful servant but a terrible master.

In the silence of the heart, the soul speaks.

To find the Divine, you must go within.

There is no limit to the power of the human soul.

Every experience in life is a step towards self-discovery.

Life is a journey, and the journey is the destination.

The purpose of life is not to be happy. It is to be useful, to be honorable, to be compassionate, to have it make some difference that you have lived and lived well.

True knowledge is not found in books but in direct experience.

The soul is the eternal and unchanging part of our being.

In the depths of silence, you will find the answers to all your questions.

The Divine is not far away; it is within you..

In the stillness of the mind, you will find the peace of the soul.

The only true way to find happiness is to give it to others.

The Divine is the source of all beauty and goodness.

In the heart of the Divine, there is only love.


The mind is like a lake; when it is calm, you can see the reflection of the Divine.

The purpose of life is to awaken to our true nature.

The Divine is the source of all wisdom and knowledge.

In the silence of the soul, you will find the presence of the Divine.

The greatest gift you can give to the world is your own transformation.

The Divine is the source of all creativity and inspiration.

The true purpose of life is to discover your own divinity.

The soul is the seat of our deepest desires and aspirations.

In the depths of the heart, you will find the love of the Divine.

The Divine is the source of all healing and wholeness.

The purpose of life is to realize the unity of all existence.

In the stillness of the soul, you will find the peace that surpasses all understanding.

The Divine is the source of all strength and courage.

The soul is the source of all meaning and purpose in life.

In the depths of the mind, you will find the wisdom of the Divine.

The purpose of life is to discover the eternal truth that lies within you.

The Divine is the source of all beauty and harmony.

The soul is the source of all joy and happiness.

In the silence of the spirit, you will find the presence of the Divine.

The purpose of life is to awaken to the infinite love that dwells within you.

The Divine is the source of all light and illumination.

The soul is the source of all peace and serenity.

In the stillness of the heart, you will find the love of the Divine.

The purpose of life is to realize the oneness of all existence.

The Divine is the source of all truth and wisdom.

The soul is the source of all creativity and inspiration.

In the depths of the spirit, you will find the presence of the Divine.

The purpose of life is to discover the boundless love that resides within you.

The Divine is the source of all grace and compassion.

The soul is the source of all beauty and goodness.

In the silence of the soul, you will find the peace that transcends all understanding.

The purpose of life is to awaken to the infinite wisdom that lies within you.

The Divine is the source of all healing and wholeness.

The soul is the source of all strength and courage.

In the depths of the heart, you will find the love of the Divine.

The purpose of life is to realize the unity of all existence.

The Divine is the source of all meaning and purpose in life.

The soul is the seat of our deepest desires and aspirations.

In the stillness of the mind, you will find the presence of the Divine.

The purpose of life is to discover your own divinity.

The Divine is the source of all creativity and inspiration.

The soul is the source of all healing and wholeness.

In the silence of the spirit, you will find the peace that surpasses all understanding.

The purpose of life is to awaken to the eternal truth that dwells within you.

The Divine is the source of all beauty and harmony.

The soul is the source of all joy and happiness.

In the depths of the heart, you will find the wisdom of the Divine.

The purpose of life is to realize the oneness of all existence.

The Divine is the source of all light and illumination.

The soul is the source of all peace and serenity.

In the stillness of the heart, you will find the presence of the Divine.

The purpose of life is to awaken to the boundless love that resides within you.

The Divine is the source of all grace and compassion.

The soul is the source of all beauty and goodness.

In the silence of the soul, you will find the peace that transcends all understanding.

The purpose of life is to awaken to the infinite wisdom that lies within you.

The Divine is the source of all healing and wholeness.

The soul is the source of all strength and courage.

In the depths of the mind, you will find the love of the Divine.

The purpose of life is to realize the unity of all existence.

The Divine is the source of all meaning and purpose in life.

The soul is the seat of our deepest desires and aspirations.

In the stillness of the spirit, you will find the presence of the Divine.

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