100+ Best Politics Quotes

“100+ Best Politics Quotes” is a thought-provoking collection that offers diverse insights into the world of politics. With over a hundred quotes, this compilation features perspectives from political leaders, thinkers, and observers throughout history. Whether you’re interested in governance, democracy, or the complexities of power, these quotes provide a valuable lens through which to explore the ever-evolving landscape of politics. Whether you’re a political enthusiast or simply seek to better understand the dynamics of the world, this anthology offers a compelling exploration of the political realm through the words of influential figures.

Politics Quotes

“The distance between a leader and his people is influence.”

“The virtues of ambition are better than the vices of complacency.”

“Power is more important than money.”

“Patience is better than anger.”


“Diplomacy is a better weapon than force.”

“Never cheat yourself by cheating your friends.”

“Knowing how to gain followers is intelligence. Knowing how to keep them is wisdom.”

“Doing things right is our strength. Doing the right things is our power.”

“See things as they are, then see things as they should be.”

“The power of the masses is infinitely greater than the power of individuals.”

“A leader must see more than his followers, even when his eyes are closed.”

“The wisdom of emotion is inferior to the intelligence of reason.”

“The wisdom of the masses is greater than the intelligence of individuals.”

“To be intelligent, observe what people say. To be wise, observe what people do.”

“The power of influence is infinitely greater than the power of authority.”

“The wisdom of persuasion is better than the violence of force.”

“Swaying the poor is easier than swaying the rich. Swaying the young is easier than swaying the elderly.”

“The shrewd get what they want; the wise get what they need.”

“It is easier to tame your desires than to bridle your ambitions.”

“It is harder to appease your enemies than to defy your friends.”

“It is easier to multiply troubles than to accumulate opportunities.”

“An army of vices cannot defeat a single virtue.”.

“Maximize your successes. Minimize your failures.”

“Never let temporary allies rob you of permanent friends.”

“Your greatest obstacles lead you to your greatest opportunities.”

“It is easier to survive a blow from fear than a kiss from despair.”

“It is better for a leader to bloom late than to wither early.”

“It is better to have a thousand real enemies than a single friend.”

“An army of cowards is easier to defeat than an infantry of warriors.”

“Success has no enemies, failure has no friends.”

“Strengths hide behind weaknesses. Weaknesses hide behind strengths.”

“Overusing your strengths is better than underusing them.”

“A followers virtues are more valuable than a leaders vices.”

 “Persuasion has greater power than force. Meekness has greater power than might. Forgiveness has greater power than vengeance.”

 “Never mistreat yourself by mistreating others.”

“Never let your enemies blind you to your friends.”

“The virtues of reason are better than the vices of emotion.”

“Conquer your enemies before they conquer you.”

“Overcome your obstacles by turning them into opportunities. Overcome your failures by turning them into success. Overcome your enemies by turning them into friends.”

“To be hated for who you are is better than to be loved for who you are not.”

“To be hated for your strengths is better than to be loved for your weaknesses.”

“To be rejected for your success is better than to be accepted for your failures.”

“A wise enemy is better than a foolish friend.”

“A noble enemy is better than a dishonorable friend.”

“A foolish saint can be trusted more than a wise sinner.”

“A kind elephant is better than a cruel ant.”

“A foolish virtue is better than an intelligent vice.”

“Blows from anger are better than kisses from fear.”

“Power lies at the edge of pain.”

“The power of patience is infinitely greater than the power of anger. The power of peace is infinitely greater than the power of war.”

“The bitterness of truth is better than the sweetness of lies.”

“The bitterness of compassion is better than the sweetness of vengeance.”

“Master your anger before it masters you.”

“The innocence of fools is better than the guilt of the wise.”

“The innocence of sinners is better than the guilt of saints.”

“True weakness is better than false strength. True honor is better than false praise. True wealth is better than false riches.”

“The depths of ignorance are no match for the heights of reason.”

 “The foolishness of reason is better than the intelligence of reason.”

“A wise sheep will rule over an intelligent lion.”

“A wise coward will rule over a foolish warrior.”

“A small fly can trouble a big lion.”


“Might is power, meekness is greater power.”

“If you believe what leaders say, you are naive. If you believe what leaders do, you are wise.”

“The bitterest truth is better than the sweetest lies.”

“Ignorance is a switch that turns off the light; truth is the battery that powers it on.”

“The virtues of reality are greater than the vices of perception.”

“The virtues of saints are greater than the vices of sinners.”

“Mastering others is strength; mastering yourself is power.”

“Overcome hatred with love. Overcome anger with patience. Overcome vengeance with compassion.”

“Surviving a blow from anger is easier than surviving a kiss from bitterness. Surviving a blow from disappointment is easier than surviving a kiss from despair.”

“Negotiating with your strengths is easier than negotiating with your weaknesses.”

“A warrior at his worst is better than a coward at his best.”

“A wise sheep is better than a foolish lion.”

“A brave sheep is better than a cowardly lion.”

 “A noble sheep is better than a dishonorable lion.”

“It is easier to conquer an army of sheep than a single lion.”

“The foolishness of lions is better than the intelligence of sheep.”

“The wise minority are better than the foolish majority. The brave minority are better than the cowardly majority. The noble minority are better than the dishonorable majority.”


“Appeasing sheep is easier than pacifying lions.”

“Sheep are easier to conquer than lions.”

“It is easier to survive a blow a sheep than a kiss from a lion.”

“One day as a wolf is better than a thousand as a sheep.”

“An intelligent sheep is better than a foolish lion.”

“A young wolf is wiser than an old sheep.”

“It is better to be remembered as a lion than as a sheep.”

“A lion conquers more in one day than a sheep in a lifetime.”

“One warrior does not make an army.”

“A united army of sheep is greater than a divided army of lions.”

“A lion is greater than a sheep.”

“An eagle conquers more in one day than a turkey in a lifetime.”

“The wisdom of an ant is better than the strength of an elephant.”

“To be feared by lions is better than to be loved by sheep.”

“An intelligent wolf is better than a foolish lion.”

“It takes greater strength to walk with lions than to run with sheep.”

“A wolf cannot boast to a lion.”

“If there is no room in the jungle, move to the forest.”

“Seeds refuse to die when you bury them, so do warriors.”

“A sheep cannot lead a lion. A lion cannot follow a sheep.”

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