“100+ Baby Shower Wishes: Shower your love and blessings on the mom-to-be and the precious little one on the way! May this joyous occasion be filled with laughter, happiness, and anticipation for the beautiful journey of parenthood ahead. Wishing the new parents all the strength, patience, and love as they embark on this wonderful adventure. May the little bundle of joy bring immense happiness and fill their lives with endless smiles. Celebrate the miracle of life and the magic of new beginnings. Let the baby shower be a cherished memory and a symbol of the love and support surrounding the growing family. Congratulations on this special day, and may the arrival of the baby bring an abundance of blessings to the entire family!”
Baby Shower Shayari

Congratulations on becoming parents! We wish you the best as you welcome your new little one.
So excited to help welcome your little bean to the world!
I remember how magical it was when my own little ones were brand new, and I am so excited for you to get to experience those beautiful precious moments with your baby.
With parents like you, he/she is destined to be amazing!
Congrats on the wee one on the way!
You’ve always held a special place in my heart, and now, so will your babe.
What a beautiful miracle you’ve created!
A baby changes everything, but you’re going to be amazing parents.
Blessings to you and your home as you welcome this new life.
They don’t call a baby a “bundle of joy” for nothing! Here’s to all the joy you can hold.
May your home and heart be filled with love as you prepare for your baby.
As soon as I heard, I cried tears of joy—I am so happy for you!
You are glowing in your pregnancy, and you will be even more beautiful as a new mother.
Godh Bharai Captions For Instagram

Wishing you a happy, healthy pregnancy and a safe delivery for both mom and babe.
Why is it that the tiniest feet make the biggest footprints in our lives? Enjoy these little shoes/socks as you count those tiny toes.
I couldn’t be more excited to meet your new baby!
Babies are a blessing to us all! I’m so grateful I get to be a small part of welcoming yours to the world.
Congrats, mama and papa, from your mama and papa!
My sincerest congratulations to the soon-to-be parents.
Bringing a new baby into the world is a huge leap of faith. You are strong and brave, and I know you will be exactly what this new little person needs to help them navigate it.
Thank you for allowing me to help welcome our new overlord! I brought an offering.
You are growing a tiny human inside of you! (Don’t panic—this has been done before!)
Baby Shower Wishes And Messages

When you said you guys were working on a special project together, we all thought you meant a new deck!
Only a few more weeks to go before strangers stop trying to touch your belly—and start trying to touch your baby.
Congrats on your little one—he/she is perfect! So that means you’re naming him/her after me, right?
You know the part of the roller coaster where you pause right before it drops and you wonder what you’ve done? Yeah, that’s where you are right now. Enjoy the ride!
You look so well rested, clean and sane. Enjoy that.
My finger is already itching to like and heart all 2,000 baby pictures you’re going to post!
Messages Baby Shower

Congrats on giving your baby the best auntie/uncle/cousin/godparent a baby could have: me!
Just remember: Only one of you can hit the bottle, and the baby always gets dibs.
Since you can’t drink, I’ll help you out and take your champagne—you’re welcome! Cheers (twice) to your babe-on-the-way!
Baby math: Baby – sleep + giggles / poopy diapers = parents
Don’t worry, this whole new-baby thing is super easy! (During nap time.)
Remember that time I puked all over you? I was just helping you prepare for parenthood!
Just telling you now: When they say to pamper yourself, they don’t mean with diapers. Easy mistake.
Congrats on the beautiful tax deduction!
क शभकमनए happy

I can’t wait to hold your baby—and give them back the second they poop.
Monkey, meet circus.
You’re having a baby. I’m not. Huge congrats to both of us!
Soon enough, nap hour will be the new happy hour! Congrats!
Need more inspiration for what to write in a baby shower card? Check out parent quotes that perfectly sum up life with little ones.
Sweet Baby Shower Wishes 3RD.COM, GETTY IMAGES
Baby shower invitation

Baby shower wishes for baby boys
It’s called a “peepee teepee,” and YOU’RE WELCOME.
A father teaches a son how to be a man, but a son teaches a man how to be a father.
Savor every muddy handprint, sticky kiss and sweaty hug—little boys are wonderful!
He’s going to be the handsomest little dude! Congratulations!
Nothing on earth brings greater pleasure than a baby boy to hug and treasure.
Love your boy as the baby he is, the man he will be and the son he always will be.
May your baby boy be exactly like his father—wonderful in every way.
Here’s to a lifetime of “Hey mom, watch this!” as you calculate the ER bill in your head.
क शभकमनए best baby

Inside every little boy is a superman—congratulations on your superhero.
Snips and snails and puppy-dog tails? Nah, little boys are made of love, sticky hugs and handfuls of bugs.
Congratulations to the king and queen on the impending arrival of their little prince.
Planes, trains, trucks and toys—thank heaven for little boys!
I see a future full of love, tackle hugs and silly jokes. Oh, and pee fountains. Lots of those.
I see a future full of love, tackle hugs and silly jokes. Oh, and pee fountains. Lots of those.